What if customers become players?
Brand building through fun, flexible incentive programs via GroupOS

Remember BOOK IT! ?
What about McDonalds monopoly?
Both of these were beautifully designed incentive programs that felt like games. They were also incredibly effective at engaging the masses. So effective that the programs became cultural phenomenons in and of themselves.
They shared a similar medium - a foundation made from a button and a paper game board respectively. Then, by completing certain tasks like reading or buying McDonalds food, you earned stickers. It took real time, effort, and resources to earn status and play. In elementary school, the status earned in the program often translated to playground status — real world cred! Both programs played into our most basic urges to play, build, earn, and connect. Because the collection of badges required emotional labor and engagement over time, they were often a sustained hot, competitive topic among friends. These games create psychological belonging for the participants. They amplified our childhood memories.
Now imagine any brand, regardless of size, can design engaging bespoke programs with beautiful visual elements, sustaining “play” mechanisms, and wide community activation… And what if it can all be done with significantly fewer resources while keeping all delight and engagement?
GroupOS is an out of the box solution that enables anyone to launch and manage mutually beneficial community growth and incentive programs that are core to strong brand building without all the work and expense of building and maintaining the tech from the ground up.
Instead of worrying about operationalizing the program (the How), you can spend more time and energy imagining the best possible program (the What) that will fulfill your internal engagement needs and will delight your audiences.
What could that look like?
A cookware company can engage their customers and enable them to create a community of their own - sharing ideas and rewarding the person with the most popular recipe.
A candle maker can create an audience outside of centralized social networks, solicit feedback, and incentivize the collection of every scent available in the line with gated access to special editions - regardless of vendor.
A local coffee shop can create a leveling up game that rewards patrons (leader-board and all!) every time they buy a cup using their own vessel - saving the planet and costs for the shop.
All of this while also giving customers the chance to build credibility within AND across all communities in one fell swoop.
Build your brand and easily execute fun, relevant rewards programs that evolve with your products and services.
Give your community more than a digital punch card — give them a chance to belong and build translatable cred. Give them a chance to play.
You bring the imagination, GroupOS can take care of the rest.
→ Interested in activating GroupOS for your brand? Register for EARLY ACCESS
→ Have questions or want to connect? BOOK TIME
→ And don’t forget to join our discord.